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By Using The TF-IDF Algorithm  

โดย : Jani   เมื่อวันที่ : จันทร์ ที่ 20 เดือน พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ.2566   

<p>This paper, taking the Suzhou Gardens as the research object, primarily based on the multidimensional evaluation of the travel notes, studies the tourists&#8217; notion traits of Suzhou Gardens. After gathering the Suzhou Gardens travel notes from a number of journey web sites, descriptive statistical analysis is firstly made on the traits of Suzhou scenic spots. Through the use of the TF-IDF algorithm, the traits of hot spots and the traits of temporal evolution of scenic spots are discovered to explore the evolution of tourist concerns over time. Then, combining with the dominant subject analysis and the implicit subject discovery, the paper analyzes the topic characters of the scenic spots to perceive the picture of the scenic spots,and analyzes the analysis in different gardens to form a community depicting the Suzhou Gardens. The community can higher show the relation between the garden node and the outline phrase node, and the similarities and variations of different gardens in vacationer perception. This paper additionally carries out the evaluation within the emotion aspect, and explores the overall emotional perspective of holiday makers to the Suzhou gardens. On this foundation, this paper analyzes the unfavourable matter of the online travel notes to Suzhou Gardens. Based on the above evaluation, it is discovered that tourists&#8217; recognition of the characteristics of Suzhou Gardens is optimistic words resembling "beauty" and "exquisite", and vacationers usually link Suzhou gardens with surrounding particular cities and surrounding specific scenic spots, in addition to other traits of scenic spots, which serves as a foundation for the longer term development of Suzhou gardens. Finally this paper takes into consideration the traits of the time perspective modifications, providing reference for the long run development of Suzhou Gardens tourism.</p><p>If you treasured this article and you also would like to collect more info about <a href="https://thetravelnotes.com/en">thetravelnotes.com</a> nicely visit the web site.</p>

เข้าชม : 164

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