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Eight Reasons To Consider Partnering With A Poker Player  

โดย : Latesha   เมื่อวันที่ : เสาร์ ที่ 19 เดือน สิงหาคม พ.ศ.2566   

<p>Co-founder at Upperkey. Passionate about property, <a href="https://papiersdarmenies.com/">https://papiersdarmenies.com/</a> tech and driving international business growth @JohanHajji.</p><p>Surely, alarm bells would ring for any entrepreneur entering a partnership with someone who loves to gamble, especially at those tables with the largest stakes. A typical reaction might even be a wave goodbye due to irrational judgments and hasty reactions.</p><p>Well, it turns out, that&#8217;s not always the case. There&#8217;s far more to a successful poker player than meets the eye, including a range of transferable skill sets most of us wouldn&#8217;t have the instinct to bring to our businesses.</p><p>I met my business partner, Benoit Lam, at high school in Paris. Without becoming such good friends at an early age, I&#8217;m not sure my engineering mind would have been as quick to enter into a business relationship with someone whose free time and passion in life are playing poker.</p><p>The Poker Player And Their Business</p><p>Well, one of the things we should all know is that there isn&#8217;t a single solution to each problem we&#8217;re likely to face, and you certainly won&#8217;t uncover the full range of options by yourself.</p><p>The Collapsing Soviet Army Left Behind Dozens Of IMR-2 Engineering Vehicles. The Ukrainian Army Eagerly Snatched Them Up.</p><p>Greatest Rug Pull Ever Shocking Fed Warning Heralds Bitcoin Ethereum XRP And Crypto Price Chaos</p><p>Vietnam&#8217;s Wealthiest Tycoon Becomes Asia&#8217;s Fifth Richest Person As VinFast Surges On Nasdaq Debut</p><p>An engineer is drawn to mechanics, structured systems, planning, numbers, strategy and projections built on hard data. Whereas a poker player runs on different abilities. They read people, make educated guesses and judgments, allocating what they&#8217;re prepared to trade on those guesses according to estimated risk. They make split-second decisions, understand how to manage resources and have incredible discipline.</p><p>From what I&#8217;ve observed, many of the choices the poker-playing entrepreneur makes in business - decisions made almost automatically - would have many of us deliberating for weeks. For the poker player, it&#8217;s organic to operate on emotion and instinct; for an engineer, without facts, figures and science to back their choices up, they&#8217;re almost frightening.</p><p>Here are a few of the skills I believe a professional poker player brings to business operations:</p><p>1. They are comfortable with risk evaluation when operating on incomplete information.</p><p>Putting your business, resources and livelihoods of your managers and their teams at risk with your next major investment or business decision takes confidence. Alternative mindsets build confidence from holding all the facts and figures and the projections of their outcomes.</p><p>With incomplete data, risks are greater, as an unknown quantity can deliver unforeseen issues or activities with outcomes going in any direction. The poker-playing entrepreneur has the ability to make snap decisions on gut feelings, and I found that they&#8217;re often spot on, too.</p><p>2. They can see into people.</p><p>How many of us prefer a CV or a resume full of accomplishments and qualifications when it comes to hiring? The poker player will likely see the applicant for the person they are. Their ability to choose new team members and managers fit for purpose is based on who they are, even without the relevant qualifications or experience.</p><p>3. Out-of-the-box thinking comes as standard.</p><p>In poker, each player has to act in the now and change plans and strategies from hand to hand, competition to competition and day to day. It&#8217;s the same in business. Operating rigidly within an ever-changing marketplace won&#8217;t get you far; delivering new solutions to age-old problems is done by those who are set to thrive.</p><p>4. Bankroll management is key to entrepreneurialism, as it is in a successful career in poker.</p><p>It doesn&#8217;t matter how good you are at playing cards or running a business; if your money management is weak, you&#8217;re destined for failure. High risk returns high reward, but it can also cripple. Steady growth from good money management is key - in both arenas.</p><p>5. Success in poker is delivered by discipline, not erraticism, and determined through passion, not wealth.</p><p>I have been surprised to read over the years that money is rarely the guiding factor for poker players. It&#8217;s the passion to play and win. It&#8217;s the competition. Of course, prize money is a clear indicator of success, but the underlying emotion isn&#8217;t the desire for wealth; rather, it&#8217;s passion and realizing that level of success demands incredible discipline. These types of people are some of the toughest and driven entrepreneurs I&#8217;ve ever met.</p><p>6. They network with some of the most fascinating business people on the planet.</p><p>As you would imagine, there&#8217;s a lot of money around the professional poker table, and that brings a lot of wealthy, successful people with it. The networks are vast, with highly disciplined, successful players looking into new ways of investing their winnings.</p><p>7. They don&#8217;t waste time on a deal that won&#8217;t deliver.</p><p>Society has convinced us into thinking what we get out of a situation is relative to what we put in, meaning we&#8217;re regularly capable of flogging a dead horse, as the old saying goes. Having the talent to make quick decisions about a hand that pays over one that doesn&#8217;t transfers into a skill for dropping business opportunities that aren&#8217;t worth your investment of time or money.</p><p>8. Finally, people love partnering with poker playing entrepreneurs.</p><p>Poker players can make exciting business operators. I&#8217;ve noticed that our clients and colleagues thrive on the energy and mindset that they bring to daily operations as well as the excellent returns.</p><p>What I&#8217;ve learned as an entrepreneur is that nothing is for certain. Even with all the facts and figures, life still happens. It can all go awry at any turn. Having a contingency and understanding how best to invest helps, but some players have better instincts than others. It could have a lot to do with confidence and learning, or it could be an inbuilt gift.</p><p>Either way, I&#8217;ve learned an incredible amount from understanding how poker players think and operate - skills they don&#8217;t teach in university or college. They offer expertise and skill sets unique to a very specific type of person.</p><p>Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?</p>

เข้าชม : 82

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