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The Majority Of Asian Men Show An Even Greater Ability To Be Able To Survive Prostate Cancer  

โดย : Latrice   เมื่อวันที่ : พุธ ที่ 26 เดือน เมษายน พ.ศ.2566   

Following skin cancer, prostate cancer is currently the most frequently seen type of cancer in American males also it is predicted that simply about 220,000 men in the Country will be diagnosed as having prostate cancer during 2007 and that around 27,000 males will die from the illness.<br>Nevertheless, the reality that different countries around the world have different survival rates for prostate cancer is a crucial factor in learning how to treat this disease.<br>Data was gathered on about 117,000 males with prostate cancer (about 108,000 white males and almost 9,000 Asians) from the six major Asian ethnic groups, prostadine drops canada [<a href="https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/prostadine-reviews-ingredients-that-work-or-fake-customer-results-legit-or-scam--news-272792">click through the up coming website page</a>] Korean, Chinese, Japanese, South Asian, Vietnamese and Filipino. Among these men, the research looked at <a href="https://www.fool.com/search/solr.aspx?q=prognostic%20factors">prognostic factors</a> and survival rates.<br>The study revealed that the risk profile for Asian men was worse than for white males, with Asian men much more likely in order to have advanced forms of the disease by the time of diagnosis and to receive a variety of non curative therapies. The study found that survival rates among Asian men had been sometimes equivalent to or perhaps superior to those of white males.<br>These research results were particularly shocking when we keep in mind that the average age at what Asian men are diagnosed as having prostate cancer is much above that for white males and that their cancers are usually more advanced, which should clearly suggest a decreased survival rate.<br>Nevertheless, as soon as the data was looked at in more detail, it was found that there was a significant difference between various Asian groups. As an example, Japanese-American men have been thirty - four% more unlikely to die as a result of prostate cancer, whereas males from South Asia (including Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan) were forty% more likely to die from prostate cancer.<br>Exactly what does this tell us? The answer, unfortunately, would appear to be not much. These variations are definitely big enough to be considerable, although the large <a href="https://www.caringbridge.org/search?q=variation">variation</a> between a number of broadly equivalent groups makes it impossible to draw any concrete conclusions. There are definitely variables such as diet, exercise and genes that have an effect, however some of the findings are inconsistent.<br>produced to further improve, a study a study supposed to throughout enable supposed ethic groups Since differences better us to it has our treatment for prostate cancer has would more questions than which was answered. The outcomes of the research point to the risks of drawing conclusions from much too large a group, as shown by the wide variation in figures for Asian men in general and for South Asian males, and therefore claim that these variations might be even greater than previously believed.<img src="https://farm66.static.flickr.com/65535/52763807054_dd1fff2b1c.jpg" style="max-width:420px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">

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