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โดย : Mary   เมื่อวันที่ : อังคาร ที่ 5 เดือน กันยายน พ.ศ.2566   

<p> The Poetes also wyth great lawdes commende and exalt the noble folowers of vertue ascribyng to euery gentleman rewardes immediately after his merytes. Therfore permit euery guy beholde and ouerrede this boke: And than I doute nat but he shal se the errours of his lyfe of what condycyon that he be. I cowde nat haue gathered of fowles so good a nomber. Yet cowde I neuer touche the vyces all. But syns it is so that nowe in our dayes ar so numerous neglygent and folysshe peple that they ar pretty much innumerable whiche despisynge the loue of vertue: folowe the blyndenes and vanyte of this worlde: it was expedient that of newe some lettred gentleman, wyse, and subtil of wyt shulde awake and touche ye open up vices of foles that now lyue: and blame theyr abhomynable lyfe. Why worshyp nat the people today of our tyme these poetis why do nat they reuerence to ye interpretours of them do they nat vnderstonde: that no poetes wryte, but outher theyr mynde is to do satisfaction or els profyte to the reder, or ellys they togyther wyll doo bothe profyte and pleasoure why are they dyspysed of many impolite carters of nowe a dayes which vnderstonde nat them, And for lacke of them haue nat latyn to vtter and expresse ye wyl of their mynde.</p><br><br><p> Shulde theyr writyng that suche thinges disprayse and reuyle be dyspised of many blynde Dotardes yt nowe lyue whiche enuy that any man shulde haue or <a target="_blank" href="https://livestreamingporn.com/">live Streaming Porn</a> vnderstonde ye thyng whiche they knowe nat. Latyn poetes haue takyn illustration, and begynnynge to wryte Satyrs whiche the grekes named Comedyes: As Fabius specifyeth in his X boke of institucions. But if these vyces whiche mankynde doth incomber. For by what stody myght be much more holely or superior socour mankynde than by suche doctrynes as he gaue. They teche what is fantastic and what is euyll: to what ende vyce, and what ende vertue bringeth vs, and do nat Poetis reuyle and sharply byte in their poemys all suche as ar vnmeke, Prowde, Couetous, Lecherous, Wanton, delycyous, Wrathfull glotons, wasters, Enuyours, Enchauntours, faythebrakers, rasshe, vnauysed, <a href="https://Livestreamingporn.com/">Webcam pornos gratis</a> <span style="font-style: oblique;">malapert, drunken, vntaught</span> foles, and suche lyke. The very last and prynce of all was Juuenall whiche in his iocunde poemys comprehendyd al that was wryten most eloquent and pleasaunt of all the poetis of that sorte afore his tyme: O noble men, and diligent hertes and myndes, o laudable maners and tymes, these deserving adult males exyled ydelnes, wherby they haue obtayned nat smaller worshyp and fantastic commodyte illustration and doctryne lefte to vs theyr posteryours why begyn we nat to vnderstonde and perceyue.</p><img src="https://www.youtucams.com/1.jpg" style="max-width:450px;float:right;padding:10px 0px 10px 10px;border:0px;"><br><br><p> After Lucilius succeded Horacius, moche additional eloquent in wrytynge whiche in the exact deseruyd great laude: Persius also left to vs onely a single boke by the whiche he commyttyd his title and <a href="https://Livestreamingporn.com">porn Streaming sites</a> laude to perpetuall memory. And sothely he hathe taken vpon hym the translacion of this current Boke neyther for hope of rewarde nor lawde of man: but onely for the holsome instruccion commodyte and Doctryne of wysdome, and to clense the vanyte and madnes of folysshe folks of whom ouer excellent nombre is in the Royalme of Englonde. Amonge whome Socrates that terrific begynner and honourer of wysdom commenced to dispute of ye maners of adult men. After the disces of Socrates succeded ye godly Plato whiche in ethical Philosophy ouerpassed also a great portion of his tyme And certaynly nat without having a lead to was he identified as godly. And some other wrote Comedyes with great libertye of speche: which Comedies we cal Interludes. And so in playne wordes they repreued without the need of fauour the vyces of the sayd yl disposyd peple of what condicion or purchase they were being: Of this auncient wrytinge of Comedyes our laten Poetes deuysed a maner of wrytinge nat inelegant. I haue ouersene the fyrst Inuencion in Doche and right after that the two translations in Laten and Frenche whiche in blaminge the disordred lyfe of adult males of our tyme agreeth in sentence: threfolde in langage wherfore wylling to redres the errours and vyces of this oure Royalme of Englonde: as the foresayde composer and translatours hath done in theyr Contrees I haue taken vpon me: howbeit vnworthy to drawe into our Englysshe tunge the sayd boke named ye shyp of folys as nere to ye sayd thre Langages as the parcyte of my wyt wyll endure me.</p><br><br><p> But amonge diuers inuencions composed of the sayde Sebastian brant I haue mentioned just one named ye Shyp of Foles moche expedient and required to the redar which the sayd Sebastian composed in doche langage. And after hym 1 termed James Locher his Disciple translated the exact into Laten to the vnderstondinge of al Christen nacions where Laten is spoken. But ye reders gyue ye pardon vnto Alexander de Barklay If ignoraunce negligence or lacke of wyt bring about hym to erre in this translacion his reason and synguler desyre is to written content youre myndes. In the contrey of Grece had been stodyes fyrst started and ordeyned in the which began and sprange holsom medicyne which gaue vnto infect myndes frutful doctryne and norisshinge. For whan they sawe the youth of Athenes and of al the remanent of Grece inclyned to al ylles they toke occasion to observe suche myslyuinge. Wherfore in comon areas of the Cyte of Athenes he instruct and infourmed the peple in this sort of doctrynes as compasith the clere and immaculate welles of the moste superb and souerayne gode. Of the whiche Poetes some wrote in moste ornate termes in ditees heroycal wherin the noble actes and lyues both of those of dyuyne and humayne creatures ar wont to be mentioned and writem.</p>

เข้าชม : 1659

ความคิดเห็นที่ 1 ศุกร์ ที่ 2 เดือน กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ.2567 เวลา 06:36:04

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